Areas of Interest
- Male involvement in reproductive health
- Midwifery
- community service
- K.Mugambi , J.K Karonjo &E.S, Some . Risk Factors For Hypertension Among Adults Attending Health Centres In Ruiru Sub-County, Kiambu County, Kenya.
Research journali’s Journal of Public Health Vol. 2 | No. 12 December | 2016
- Margaret Thagichu,Bernard Mbithi:indications of caesarean section as a mode of delivery among mothers at a private tertially Hospital in Nairobi,Kenya. International journal of science and research Vol.6 issue 2, February 2017
- Maina,rose Muthoni.,Mutunga Mwenda Catherine.& Karonjo.Jane:Utilization of the partograph among nurse midwives at a county referral Hospital,Kenya
- Maranga,A.K, Mwenda Mutunga,Karonjo,J.K & Adero,D.A:determining cancer pain management practices by nurses at the Nakuru County referral hospital, Kenya:International Journal of medical and health science, vol.1 issue 10 October,20
Community Service and other Responsibilities
- 2012-2015: External Examiner, University of Nairobi, nursing studies
- 8th September,2015: Midwifery curriculum study by Nursing council of Kenya, for Aga Khan University
- 22nd September2015: Midwifery curriculum study by Nursing council of Kenya, for Masinde Muliro University
- 29th Jan 2016: curriculum study for bachelor of science in nursing for Maasai Mara University
- 2016: school board member: Komothai girls high School, Kiambu
- 2016: School Board Member: Kiawairia High School, Kiambu
- 2013-2016: Kigumo sub-county hospital , Kiambu, board member
Scientific Paper presentations
- Determinants of postpartum care uptake among women (18-49 years) in Kandara Sub- County Muranga County- Kenya( Karonjo, Ms. Nancy Maingi, Elizabeth Ndungu, Rosemary Okova) ) midwives scientific conference, Eldoret 2016
- Knowledge, attitude and practice in reproductive health among the youth of mount Kenya University, Thika Campus(J. Karonjo, Samuel Mungai and Nancy Maingi) Scientific nurses conference , Eldoret 2014
- Determinants that influence the choice place of delivery among mothers seeking child welfare services in selected health facilities in Kandara Sub – county (by Daniel Gachathi,j. karonjo, N. maingi) Annual nurses scientific conference , Mombasa 2014
- How men see their role in reproductive health among the kikuyu tribe of Kiratina sub-location-Kenya: – Dar-es-salaam, (2008) karonjo,J.M
- Githaiga J, Maingi N, Okova R, karonjo J & Ndungu E. 2016(awaiting publications in midwives association journal). Determinants of contraceptive uptake among youth aged 18-25 years in Nakuru County
- Factors influencing hospital delivery by women aged 15-49 years in Matinyani district (Kitui county: Maingi, Karonjo, Mbithi, Mwaniki, Keraka, Oyore KNH.oct.2012
- 1990: USAID scholarship award for Master of science in public health to Emory University, Atlanta Georgia (USA)
- 2013: Vice chancellors research grant: Ksh100,000 . Knowledge, attitude and practice in reproductive health among the youth of Mount Kenya University,Thika Campus (j.karonjo, nancy Maingi)
- 2013: Vice Chancellors grant: ksh 100,000. Factors determining uptake of long acting family planning methods among women of reproductive age at kiandutu in Thika sub-county(j.karonjo, nancy maingi)
Professional Associations and affiliations
- Nursing Council of Kenya (NCK)
- National Nurses of Kenya (NNAK)
- Midwifery Association of Kenya (MAK)
- East Central and South Africa College of Nursing (ECSACON)