Message from Head of Department, Midwifery.

Welcome to the Department of Midwifery, School of Nursing. This department came into being in the year 2012. It is one of the four departments that form the School of Nursing.
The Midwifery department is responsible for the teaching and supervision of all midwifery course units for undergraduate and postgraduate students. We also coordinate clinical placement and clinical rotations of students. The courses taught in this department at undergraduate and postgraduate levels include Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Direct entry), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Upgrading) and Master of Science in Nursing (Midwifery)
The department focuses on building the capacity of nurses in provision of prenatal, intrapartum and postpartum care in health facilities and within the community. The department is committed to actualizing the following concepts, as defined by the International Confederation of Midwives, which define the unique role of midwives:
- Partnership with women to promote self-care and the health of mothers, infants, and families;
- Respect for human dignity and for women as persons with full human rights;
- Advocacy for women so that their voices are heard and their health care choices are respected;
- Cultural sensitivity, including working with women and health care providers to overcome those cultural practices that harm women and babies;
- A focus on health promotion and disease prevention that views pregnancy as a normal life event.
- Advocacy for measures that enhance best outcomes for mothers and infants