Academic Qualifications

2012-2014 – Master of Science in Nursing (Critical Care Option) at the University of Nairobi
Thesis: An Assessment of the Management of Clinical Alarms in the Nursing Care of Critically Ill Patients at the Critical Care Unit, Kenyatta National Hospital
2001- 2005- Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Nairobi
1997- 2000 – Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education at Buruburu Girls Secondary School
Work Experience
Operating Room Nurse at Kenyatta National Hospital – February 2007 to September 2012
Clinical Nurse Specialist at the Critical Care Unit Kenyatta National Hospital – December 2014 to October 2015
Nurse consultant – Implementation Research Solutions Kenya (IRSK)- A nongovernmental organization based in Kakamega county
- March 2005 – Did a Palliative care course offered by the Nairobi Hospice
- 2010– Undertook a short course on Knee arthroscopy
- 2011- TB and HIV short course
- 2012- HIV Testing and Counseling Course (HTC)
- 2013– Worked as a Nurse supervisor for Implementation Research Solutions (IRSK)
- 5th – 6th 2013 – Attended the 7th NTD conference held at the VIC Hotel December and was awarded a certificate for 2nd position best poster presentation.
- 4th -6th Dec 2013– Attended a workshop on Social Science Methods for NTDs 7th NTD conference
- 31st March – 5th April 2014- Undertook a Programme Management course at the University of Nairobi
- April 30th, 2014– Undertook a Research Ethics Training Curriculum course offered by Family Health International
- January –February 2015– Did an online course on Leadership and Management offered by the University of Washington.
- February 2015– TOT on Basic Life Support for Mogadishu University
- October 2016 and January 2017– Involved in the review of the Nursing procedure manual for the Nursing Council of Kenya
- 2016– Reviewed 10 manuscripts for Biomed Central
- February 8th – 12th 2017– Trained for American Heart Association BLS and PALS sponsored by Operation Smile International
Peer reviewed abstracts
- Manuscript currently under review by Biomed Central: NURS-D-16-00136R1: Assessment of Nurses Interventions in the Management of Clinical Alarms in the Critical Care Unit, Kenyatta National Hospital, a Cross sectional study
- Julius Ho. J1, Odhiambo.G2, Meng’L.W.3, Musuva.R.M.2, Mule.J.M.2, Alaly.Z.S.2, Odiere. M.R.4*, Mwinzi.P.N.4 and Ganley-Leal.L5..Evaluation of medicine retail outlets for sale of typhoid fever vaccine among adults in two urban and rural settings in western Kenya: a proof-of-concept study. Biomed Central Health Services Research.2016. 16:527 DOI 10.1186/s12913-016-1788-5
- Operation Smile Kenya
- Surgical Society of Kenya
- Implementation Research Solutions Kenya (IRSK)