Academic Qualifications
- Masters of Science Infectious Diseases
- Bachelor of Science, Nursing
3rd August 2015: Topic: Students’ perspectives on clinical placement experience: a report from three health facilities: Midwives 20th annual scientific conference- Reef beach hotel, Mombasa: 12th -14th August 2015
31st July 2015: Topic; Bacterial flora as determinants of ventilator associated pneumonia in intubated patients in an intensive care unit.The case of the Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi:AKUSONAM alumni conference :Serena hotel :Kampala, Uganda :28TH to 31st July 2015
19th December 2014: Research presentation on Bacterial Pathogens of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in a Tertiary Referral Hospital in Nairobi”. At Kenyatta University post graduate student conference
2006: Presented a paper on support groups in the cancer continuum at the Kenya
Society for Oncology and hematologists annual scientific conference at Panafric hotel, Nairobi
Awards/ Recognitions:
2006: Best overall student from the BSc, Nursing programme
1994: Awarded a “BIDII” awarded by the Aga Khan University Hospital for outstanding efficiency and competence in clinical care
1989: Best overall student. Cecily Macdonel School of nursing, the Nairobi hospital
Community Service
2015 to date –Board member of Kairaa Secondary School, Meru County
8th March 2015-Run 21 KMs (half marathon) in the First lady’s beyond zero marathon to create awareness and resources for prevention of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality
18th September 2013: Run 21KMs (half marathon) to support efforts towards water conservation and protection of the Ndakaini water catchment areas
2002-2006: Cancer awareness campaigns in conjunction with Nakumatt supermarkets
2002-2004: Medical camps in Githogoro slums, Runda, in conjunction with Rotary International
Areas of Interest
- Communicable and infectious diseases research
- Community health based research
- Hospital acquired infections