Dr. Ruth is a Public Health specialist and holds a PhD in Nursing (Community Health) from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology, a Master of Public Health from Kenyatta University and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Moi University. Her research interest is Implementation Science Research, community health, public health education and promotion and prevention and control of Non-communicable diseases particularly cancer. She is passionate about improving cancer health outcomes in the community with a special interest in the utilization of community based health workers. She has over ten years experience in academia and community based research. Currently, she is the Head of Community Health Nursing Department and lecturer. Dr. Ruth has supervised several post graduate students’ research projects. She has 14 publications in peer reviewed journals and has made several presentations in local and international conferences. She is also a member of the Kenya Medical Research Institute (Thika) Community advisory Committee for cervical cancer.
January 2021: Awarded the Burdett Trust Foundation for Nursing grant (Kshs. 13,180,000) as a Co- Principal Investigator for the project titled, “Supporting well-being and Resilience in the Nursing Workforce during and Post COVID-19 Pandemic in Kenya (SWaRNK-COVID 19)”
February 2018: Awarded the Mount Kenya University Foundation Makerere University and Mount Kenya University joint research grant as the Principal Investigator for the project titled, “Effectiveness of Community Health Worker delivered education on knowledge and uptake of prostate cancer screening in Gatundu North Sub-county’’.
Participation in conferences and workshops
- March 2022: Attended the 2022 ZERO Prostate Cancer Summit virtual event held on March 4th -8th March 2022.
- October 2021: Biennial infectious Disease Conference held on 27th -29th October 2022 at the Movenpick Hotel & Residences in Nairobi.
- December 2019: Guest speaker at the Nursing Now campaign in Kiambu County on “Role of nurses in achievement of Universal Health Coverage” held on 13th December at the Maxland Hotel, Kenya.
- July 2019: Attended a symposium on cutting edge management of lifestyle diseases held on 6th July 2019 at the Laico Regency Hotel, Kenya.
- March 2019: Attended the Africa Health Agenda International Conference held on 5th-7th march 2019 at Kigali Conventional Centre, Rwanda and presented a paper on “Motivational factors influencing retention of Community Health Workers in Makueni County, Kenya’’.
- February 2018: Attended the 8th KEMRI Annual Scientific Conference held on 14th – 16th February, 2017 at the Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi.
- Mbugua RG, Oluchina S, Karanja S. Prostate cancer awareness and screening among men in a rural community in Kenya: a cross-sectional study. African Journal of Urology. 2021 Jan 9;27(1).
- Mbugua RG, Karanja S, Oluchina S. Barriers and Facilitators to Uptake of Prostate Cancer Screening in a Kenyan Rural Community. Annals of African Surgery. 2021 Apr;18(3). DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/aas.v18i3.2
- Mbugua RG, Karanja S, Oluchina S. Effectiveness of a Community Health Worker-Led Intervention on Knowledge, Perception and Prostate Cancer Screening among Men in Rural Kenya. Advances in Preventive Medicine. 2022.
- Mbugua RG, Oluchina S, Karanja S, Cheboi S. Uptake of Prostate Cancer Screening and Associated Intra-Personal Factors among Men Aged 40-69 Years: A cross-sectional study in a rural community in Kenya. African Journal of Health Sciences. 2020 Dec 7;33(3):73-82.
- Wanja L, Mwenda C, Mbugua RG, Njau S. Determinants of foot self-care practices among diabetic patients attending diabetic clinic at a referral hospital, Meru County, Kenya; International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 2019 9(10) (ISSN: 2250-3153), DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29322/IJSRP.9.10.2019.p9461
- Methu CW., Mwenda CM., Mbugua RG. Nurse Factors Influencing Compliance with CDC Guidelines for Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection Prevention in a Referral Hospital in Kenya. International Journal of Nursing Science, 2019 9(3), pp. 70-76 10.5923/j.nursing.20190903.03
- Mwangi C., Meng’anyi LW, Mbugua RG, Utilization of the Nursing Process among Nurses Working at a Level 5 Hospital, Kenya, International Journal of Nursing Science, Vol. 9 No. 1, 2019, pp. 1-11. doi: 10.5923/j.nursing.20190901.01.
- Wachira WB., Meng’anyi WL & Mbugua RG., Knowledge, Perception and Uptake of Prostate Cancer Screening: A Cross Sectional Study at a Level III Hospital in Kenya, Public Health Research, Vol. 8 No. 4, 2018, pp. 81-87. doi: 10.5923/j.phr.20180804.01.
- Mbugua RG., Oyore JP., Mwitari JM “Role of Monetary Incentives on Motivation and Retention of Community Health Workers: An Experience in a Kenyan Community’’, Public Health Research, Vol. 8 No. 1, 2018, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.5923/j.phr.20180801.01.
- Mbugua RG & Mwitari JM, “Role of Community Health Workers non-monetary incentives on performance in Makueni County, Kenya”. Kenyan Journal of Nursing & Midwifery, vol. 2:2, 170-181 2017
- Mbugua RG & Kahari Lucy “Community Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Prevention of Tuberculosis: A Crossectional Study In Lari Sub-County, Kenya”. Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences. Vol 3 issue 2 2017
- Mbugua RG, Meng’anyi WL & Gatutha R. “High risk sexual behaviours and knowledge on HIV/ AIDS among inmates in Nakuru G.K. prison’’. EPH international journal 2 Issue 9 September 2017
- Mbugua RG, ‘‘Effect of socio- demographic characteristics on performance of community health workers: A cross sectional study in Makueni County, Kenya’’. Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences. Vol 4 issue 2 2017
- Mwitari JM., Muchiri EM., Magambo JK., Mbugua RG., Kavoo DM., Ndemo SO “The effects of meteorological products on acute respiratory tract infections among young children in Nyeri County, Kenya.” Time Journals of Medical Sciences Report and Research Vol. 3(2):41-46. September 2015.