Research Interests
- Maternal, neonatal and child health
- Communicable and non-communicable diseases among children and adolescents
- Occupational health
- Contraception /family planning
5th to 7th October 2016:
National Nurses Association of Kenya, the 58th Annual Scientific Conference held at Saint Andrews P.C.E.A, Nairobi. Theme “Nurses a force of change: improving health systems resilience for quality care”.
Presented two papers:
- Determinants of Health Facility Consultation for Acute Respiratory Infection among Children Under Five Years in Githunguri Sub – County, Kiambu County, Kenya
- Factors Influencing Implementation of Nursing Process in Rift Valley Provincial General Hospital
10th to 12th August 2016:
Midwifery Association of Kenya (MAK), the 1st scientific Midwifery Conference held at Boma Inn hotel, Eldoret, Kenya.
Presented a paper: Determinants of Contraceptive Uptake Among Youths Aged 18-25 Years In Nakuru County
21st May 2014
Online indexing of nursing students by the Nursing Council of Kenya in collaboration with Emory University held at Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi
28th to 30th August 2013
Mount Kenya University International Conference held at Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi
Professional Associations and Affiliations
- Nursing Council of Kenya (NCK)
- National Nurses of Kenya (NNAK)
- Midwifery Association of Kenya (MAK)
- East Central and South Africa College of Nursing (ECSACON)
- Christian Scientist Association of Kenya (CSAK)